Sunday, September 6, 2009

God Bless Peter J McGuire! Happy Labour Day to all!

The reason we have a holiday. Half the founder of AFL- and the top guy who started the United Brotherhood & ( sisterhood) of Carpenters and Joiners of America. He was as big as S. Gompers and all the rest of them. A real life working class hero!

Also today I had the NYT opened and noticed Louis Rosen 91 who worked on the nuclear bomb had passed on. Well last summer I met Lloyd Liljequist in the UP of Michigan who had worked on the Manhattan Project. I guess my mom and her friends would go to dances with some of the Tech students back then. She brought us up to meet him last yr around the time of the strawberry fest. He was kind enough to stop by a service we held this yr just after the 4th of July for our mother. He brought some old pics of the gang and somehow these phots were misplaced. Anyway he is living proof that not all lose their mental abilities as he is quite the character. He lives in the hi-rise with a view of portage canal and every single nurse/nurses aids, patients and the entire staff seem to be on good joking terms with him. We were very pleased to meet him and listened to a few of his stories about WWII.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Well we decided to head out to Lk Erie Metropark to view the birds and whatnot. We counted 100 white swans and also spotted our 2nd ever osprey (both this year) aka sea eagle. Several species of ducks geese and shore birds were also seen. Several woodchucks and a few bunnies.
But once the sun started to set the invasion of the gnats started. I'm talking a white-out. We tried to film them and if you look closely around 17 seconds into the view on the far left (that is not fog) there were googol's X googol's of them. They did not bite but we were breathing them in and they got into our eyes, ears noses and what little hair I have left. We made a dash for the vehicle for protection.
We also louped Elizabeth Park and saw the Muscovy ducks, a strange looking white and black with red wattles that I can only assume the prior owners tried to domesticate them there before donating the land to the county.
As we headed into Riverview we saw a dozen deer headed to the Wyandotte golf course for a night of browsing. Two nice bucks and one 4 pointer and the rest were does and fawns. The herd grows larger every year as does the gnat infestation.