Friday, January 30, 2009

The bullfight

No gracias, the 1st two words every tourist should know.
My bro in law and I decided to head out to the weekly bullfight held every wed. at 3:30 in the old part of town. We had just watched extreme farm animals or that true tv where the bull had jumped three or four rows back and had already made our decision to sit at least 6 or 7 rows up in the arena whilst still on board the bus.
They sold these funny looking brews with a double X on the side called do-se-keez...very cold and the vendors paraded by constantly. I thought for sure I could get a tamale there.
I missed the best footage because of no spare batteries (doh) but managed to capture some even if it looks like the camera may be running when it should have been in the off position.

1 comment:

Gramma goes Blogging said...

I loved that beer and too bad about the tamale