Friday, April 1, 2011


Well today we went and got your mother's right eye done as she was informed whilst eye glass testing that she had cataracts in both eyes. The right one was much worse, we were told. In fact the eye doc said she should not even be driving her car.
We went to the specialist and got her tested while I sat there. I could not believe she could not see the giant letter M on the screen. We made the appointment for Friday morn. They gave us a cd to watch about the procedure. Unfortunately we stuck it the dvd player, lap top the pc's and it did not work. We even tried the Wii with no luck. I woke up early in the morn and went to youtube and watched the surgery being performed. Yikes! I told the wife not to watch but she informed me that she already saw in the night before. Anyway all went well so we headed back from the eye surgery to the doc's main office a few miles away to get post op instructions and pick up more eye drop scripts w/instruction on the do's and the dont's post surgery.
While there they also tested moms eye to see how her vision was. It was a very emotional experience as just a few days prior she could not see the big M out of her right eye and now she is breezing thru the small alphabet lines. We both bawled a bit. I think the girl testing shed a few tears as well.


Dawn said...

Yay! Glad to hear it went well and that something so "easy" could make such a big difference!

Gramma goes Blogging said...

Thanks for taking care of me Dad. I couldn't have done it alone. You are the love of my life and it's so good to see you again :-)